Tuesday, November 10, 2009


During the summer of 2008, my family went briefly to the Salt Lake Art Festival before heading up to Montana for a family vacation. After we left, my mom gave the three of us kids the assignment that we had to each do some sort of art project for her during the summer. Since I had just painted the Barf shoes and had greatly enjoyed it, I decided to paint a pair of vans for her as well.

Since I like robots, I decided to do a mom version for her. She's holding a paint brush and palette because my mom happens to love art. She hasn't worn them yet, she says she can't stand to mess them up. I think she's crazy. There's nothing I love to see so much as a pair of my shoes that have been well enjoyed.

Friday, November 6, 2009

A Robot Called Barf

June 2008.
Originally painted as a pair of joint custody shoes. I couldn't afford to buy a pair of shoes so my friend agreed to chip in for one shoe. The shoes traveled between us all summer until I paid her back.